Common Challenges Parents Face When Raising Preschoolers

At the preschool level, it seems like your child is changing every day. The little one has no difficulty in transforming his or her personality. Some days are good, some days are bad.

Growing up poses different challenges for children. Some are able to take it in their stride, others take time to adjust to and cope with the challenges.

In today’s blog, this playschool in Kolkata takes a look at some of the common problems or issues faced by parents as they raise their preschoolers.

Common Problems Faced By Parents Raising Preschoolers

Children may struggle with empathy from a young age. They may not be able to understand the emotions and needs of others, leading to cases of bullying or being bullied. As a parent, you need to show them through books, movies, or songs, how to treat another person with respect. Bullying is a common challenge that parents seldom know how to tackle in their child. Do not ignore the problem, but teach your little one empathy.

Most young children may have trouble staying away from their parents, especially the mother, for a long period of time. They may need some comfort in the form of a favourite teddy or a favourite snack to feel that safe connection with home again. However, if this challenge hasn’t cured itself in time, there could be some other underlying issue. Be alert, as a parent, and talk to a child counsellor if necessary.

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We know that no two snowflakes are alike. Similarly, no child is the same as another, not even twins. Each child has their own way of learning and while some pick up skills fast, others pick up skills slowly. Apart from learning difficulties which require a different discussion, be patient with your child. Repeat lessons and play with them. Children learn a lot through play which they ordinarily wouldn’t in a curriculum.

Some kids are picky eaters, while others will eat only one kind of food for all meals! A lack of proper nutrition often makes parents worry. Growth and development of the child are crucial and if a child won’t eat it can be upsetting for the parent. Try to make mealtimes as fun as possible and create meals that are fun for your child.

We’ve all had those days when we feel shunned by the world. For young ones, this can be quite devastating. If your child has trouble making friends, sign them up for a book club or an art class. Get them a pet. If they’re an only child, it can be quite lonely so consider engaging them with activities where they can meet other children and make friends.

Wrapping Up

As a leading playschool in Kolkata, we believe that we are partners with you in raising your little ones. We hope to make parents’ lives easier by helping them in the process of moulding and shaping their young ones.