How Do We Talk To Children About the “Uncomfortable” Events?

“One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world.” ~ Malala Yousafzai

A simple flick of the TV remote brings a youngster in contact with the “bad” things. War, murder, rape, sickness, death, and hatred are some of the terrible things about which kids (no matter how much we try to shield them) will eventually learn.

As a preschool in Kolkata, we do not believe in sugar-coating life for children. We prepare them to face a world that is sometimes bleak and harsh. However, by teaching children the right values and the right morals, we believe we can bring infinite change to the world.

So, what’s the way in which we broach difficult topics with our kids? Find out, only here!

Never Shy Away From Any Discussion

The first rule of thumb is to never shy away from any discussion. The minute a child senses you are uncomfortable talking about something, they will determine to get to the root cause themselves.
It is better that you break the news to them. Tell them honestly what you feel about the subject, ask them for their opinion, and then follow up on any more queries they may have.

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Don’t Overshare!

Understand exactly what your child wants to know about a sensitive subject. Don’t assume they want all the details. You might make a mistake by oversharing. This could be a little traumatic at a young age. As a leading preschool in Kolkata, we advise that you say only as much is necessary, not more.

Always Tell The Truth

Never lie about any of the “bad” things. Your child may cease to trust you and stop bringing issues to discuss with you. If you don’t know the answer to a particular question, it’s better to say that you don’t know. Remember, at the time of writing, there are philosophers trying to figure out the great questions of humanity. It is our sincere hope that some of the preschoolers in Kolkata will join in that quest!

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It is our duty to pass on to children values that will inspire them to do better than their forerunners. Whether these values are traditional or modern, your child’s moral compass depends on you and the upbringing you envision for your child.

Little Scholars, a preschool in Kolkata, emphasizes on laying a strong moral foundation for your child at a young age so that they grow up to be fully-functional members of society.